Our series FUTURE PRESENT CONTEMPLATIVE is an invitation to reimagine and reshape the world by engaging in contemplative practice. ‘Stillness becomes the source from which action becomes possible and fruitful; stillness the quiet spark of contemplation lighting the fires of action.’
The text and images for the series come from Ian’s contribution to Future Present – a new collaborative publication being launched at Greenbelt Festival 2018 and available now from publisher Proost. Jonny Baker introducing Future Present summarises the process we are suggesting like this:
[1] Get some people together [2] Pick something you want to see changed and imagine a different future [3] Design the present on the basis of that future to make the future present.
We hope that the series will inspire you to join us in that re-imagining work.
So in God’s grace
the beautiful future takes shape here and now,
with you and with me, in this fragile present,
today, every day.
Grace and peace to you
Ian & Gail
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Ian’s latest book of meditations with photos from the Isle of Mull and Iona Breathing Deep is available now on Canterbury Press, also via your local bookshop, and all usual online sources including Book Depository with free delivery world-wide.