Our series CROSSINGS shows images and text from the Crossings Exhibition currently on show in Southwell Minster. The show is by 36 artists of various faith traditions and spiritualities engaging with the theme of Crucifixion and Resurrection. The Crucifixion artworks are being shown in Lent. In the Easter season new works by the same artists will appear exploring the theme of Resurrection.
Beloved Life’s Ian Adams is one of the artists in the exhibition, and also poet-in-residence for Crossings. Each piece of text for this series of Morning Bell is a line from the poem that Ian is writing in response to the artwork.
We hope that this series will encourage us all to find the gift that may be present even in periods of descent, loss and unknowing. The Crossings exhibition is on show in Southwell Minster during Lent and Easter (except in Holy Week) and is curated by Matthew Askey.
Grace and peace to you
Ian & Gail
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Ian’s new book for the Easter season Breathing Deep is available now in paperback and e-format on Canterbury Press, also via your local bookshop, and all usual online sources including Book Depository with free delivery world-wide.